Welcome to EagleShield, located near Vancouver, WA. We are a software development company offering our UAS flight logging software so clients can track the hours of flights on their drones, hours of flights for their pilots, and keep up with necessary maintenance. The EagleShield team has over 45 years of experience in the federal and state law enforcement and public safety industry. The team consists of our Chief Development Officer, who h... Read more
EagleShield's motto is short: "Flight Tracking. Simplified." Our focus is to create software templates that are easy to use for the UAS industry. Our primary focus is the public safety, search and rescue, and public utilities groups who use drones to complete their daily work. It is important to track all flights as part of the standard work routine, in order to deal with several types of issues that may arise from managing a drone program. ... Read more
EagleShield's CEO is a member of a UAS law enforcement team. When he joined that team, they were using a basic spreadsheet to track all of the UAS deployments. Several issues made using that spreadsheet difficult, such as a lack of automation and how difficult it was to summarize what kind of deployments were occurring most often and how many hours the team had been deployed. He felt there had to be a better way. So, he went to work on the... Read more