How EagleShield Started

How EagleShield Started

EagleShield's CEO is a member of a UAS law enforcement team. When he joined that team, they were using a basic spreadsheet to track all of the UAS deployments. Several issues made using that spreadsheet difficult, such as a lack of automation and how difficult it was to summarize what kind of deployments were occurring most often and how many hours the team had been deployed. He felt there had to be a better way. So, he went to work on the original version of our software to see what could be done. As he started improving it, he saw many options that could make it even more user-friendly. He reached out to EagleShield's now Chief Development Officer, and brought forth the idea of using him to develop our program based on his skills and expertise. They set forth on a path with one mission in mind. Whatever was created must be done so from the user standpoint, must look appealing, not be cumbersome, and be reasonable for pricing. The EagleShield team has gone through many product iterations and design changes, spent a year testing and validating, and used numerous beta-testers to verify they were on the right track. After lots of user feedback and adjustments made, they decided this was a product worth offering to others. If several agencies felt it was extremely beneficial, why would others not. So, EagleShield was born to try and solve that problem with our program, FlightTracker. At EagleShield, we hope we earn your business and assist your agency in the ease of tracking all things UAS.